Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Snow in Zurich

Last night, it began to snow. It was great! I packed several snowballs. The ground was covered in snow. The sad thing is the snow thawed in the afternoon, so it problably won't snow tomorrow. :-(


Anonymous said...

It looks like a winter wonderland. :) We had snow here on Sunday... actually, it was more like slush. Part of the time it snowed, part of the time it rained, and sometimes it was in between. We ended up with at least an inch of slush that was just frozen enough that it didn't drain off. We still have a couple feet of snow that's slowly melting, but before Sunday the sidewalks had all been clear.


Aunt Amy said...

We're so excited to see more postings on your blog. We've been eagerly checking for a while now, but understand that your family has been incredibly busy with your company and move.
We have some grass showing on our lawn now too, but had a fresh snowfall 2 nights ago. Happy first day of spring!
Aunt Amy