Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Breakfast in 3 languages

The cornflakes boxes here have german, french, and italian. So do the instruction books on the appliances. (At least we already know what to do with the cornflakes.)


Anonymous said...

No English? Interesting selection of languages!

When I was on exchange in Germany for three months I had a problem finding regular Cheerios, which I could eat. I could only find the honey & nut or multigrain versions, which I was allergic to. I wish I had fewer allergies!


Aunt Amy said...

I always think of your dad when I see Corn Flakes, although ours come with only English. That used to be his favorite cereal, before he tasted your mom's yummy granola.
Aunt Amy

Anonymous said...

I William. Good to see a picture of you in the snow! You have experienced many changes of climate and weather- alomst like living in Michigan.
Thanks for the interesting pictures and comment on Cambodia.
I have been reading many of the books we took home from your Mom's library.
Sarah and I are in the library right now- on Saturday. It is 55 degrees and foggy-rain. Spring is here. Sarah and I went for a bike ride yesterday along Plaster Creek which was very high and muddy. A tree had fallen across the path so
we had to cut through the brush and raspberry bushes to get around it. Love Grandma S

Anonymous said...

I William in my coment should have been, Hi William. I should proof read before I sent.(: Grandma S

Willco66 said...

That's okay. I didn't notice your slip.